*See loyalty program terms & conditions and gift details.


How Diamond Loyalty Works

Join for free to start earning 1 point per $1 spent. Friends and family can help, too!

*Exclusions apply, see details.

*For details, see Official Rules.

*regular price only


How Diamond Bride Works

Find your dream wedding dress at David’s, and you unlock 10% off for you and your bridal party.

*Exclusions apply, see details.

*Exclusions apply, see details.

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What is the Diamond Loyalty Program?

How do I sign up?

Who can sign up?

How Diamond Bride different from Diamond Loyalty?

How do I reach different levels within the Diamond Loyalty Program?

How are points calculated, and how can I check my Diamond status?

How do I share exclusive Diamond savings with friends and family?

Are international customers eligible for the program?