One of the core values of David's Bridal is ensuring all suppliers follow the highest of ethical sourcing, manufacturing, and labor practices. David's Bridal has developed a Code of Conduct that all suppliers are required to follow which ensures that the company only does business with suppliers who engage in ethical practices. Our Code of Conduct prohibits the use of child or forced labor and discrimination in employment. It also requires that fair and lawful wages and benefits are paid and applied, health and safety standards are met, ethical standards are maintained, and environmental laws are followed. In addition, we fully adhere to the spirit and terms of California's Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 which aims to combat and eradicate all forms of human slavery and human trafficking. Pursuant to the Act, we proudly furnish the following summary to the public of our efforts in this regard:
To download a copy of the David's Bridal Code of Conduct, please click on the following link: